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You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Report » Avoid Fluid on discord

Avoid Fluid on discord

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Not that it will change anything but oh well. Got scammed 15dls+ worth of stuff, glad that I didnt trade my whole account in the first place. Dude seemed legit, but oh well, thanks to him for lowering the cash amount torwards my goals irl.

I went first and gg.


WOW this guy added me on discord under a different name but the exact same picture and tried to lure me into a middleman that I don't even know of, screenshots: ,
I'm pretty sure he's changing names

Last edited by FuZeIt (04-07-2018 06:39:14)


FuZeIt wrote:

WOW this guy added me on discord under a different name but the exact same picture and tried to lure me into a middleman that I don't even know of, screenshots: ,
I'm pretty sure he's changing names

Last edited by FuZeIt (Today 13:39:14)

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    i luv selling gt items for $$$

Yeah that's him. If he's dumb enough, he won't be changing accounts. Check the number tag (#2941) just in case, that's him.


Hi, guys and we are so sorry about this we just heard. Remember to ask for the forum account that he has when you trade items. This person may or may not register a forum account. So guys be careful

You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Report » Avoid Fluid on discord