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Growtopia BlackMarket


 Growtopia BlackMarket | Gt BlackMarket 


Key words: buy dls, buy wls, buy diamond lock, buy world lock, buy dl, buy wl, sell dl, sell wl, growtopia buy dl, growtopia sell dl, gt buy dl, gt sell dl

September 5th update: System updated! Welcome to the Growtopia BlackMarket,!

**Growtopia BlackMarket is the best platform for trading game items and accounts in Growtopia(GT) and Pixel Worlds(PW). Fast and Safe!**

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You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Report » A scammer that redirects people to another site - Actum

A scammer that redirects people to another site - Actum

Posts 1 to 2 of 2


Please be aware of this person, he is trying to make you buy his dls trough a website in which you won't be able to issue a refund if you get scammed
Take note that he might be making alt accounts on these forums, also he spams everyone with the link.
Thread link: Selling Diamond Locks 3.10$ Each Via Paypal and Bitcoin


Thank you for your reporting, we already took time to go through it. We will make a good decision.

You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Report » A scammer that redirects people to another site - Actum