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Growtopia BlackMarket


 Growtopia BlackMarket | Gt BlackMarket 


Key words: buy dls, buy wls, buy diamond lock, buy world lock, buy dl, buy wl, sell dl, sell wl, growtopia buy dl, growtopia sell dl, gt buy dl, gt sell dl

September 5th update: System updated! Welcome to the Growtopia BlackMarket,!

**Growtopia BlackMarket is the best platform for trading game items and accounts in Growtopia(GT) and Pixel Worlds(PW). Fast and Safe!**

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You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Sell (Post if you want to sell ) » Selling Diamondlocks 22+ left // PAYSAFE OR PAYPAL 2 Euro each!

Selling Diamondlocks 22+ left // PAYSAFE OR PAYPAL 2 Euro each!

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Hello everyone!

Im quitting with growtopia so i'm gonna sell my Diamondlocks!
I got 22 Diamond locks left for 2 Euro each. I'm accepting Paypal and Paysafe!
If you buy all we can discuss about the price.

10 Euro Paysafe = 5 Diamondlocks
25 Euro Paysafe = 13 Diamondlocks

I'm not going first and dont accept any middleman so you have to trust me or dont add me.

Add me on
Discord: Markje#2896
(Prefer Discord)

Kind Regards,

Last edited by fffffffffffff (04-20-2018 04:04:04)


hmm, seems sketchy, you're name is random, you don't accept middlemans, um yeah, I would be careful if anyone's buying from this guy


Yeah maybe it seems sketchy, but im a real seller.. I know im a random, but i just recently quited and just do something wisely with my diamond locks.

You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Sell (Post if you want to sell ) » Selling Diamondlocks 22+ left // PAYSAFE OR PAYPAL 2 Euro each!