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Growtopia BlackMarket


 Growtopia BlackMarket | Gt BlackMarket 


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September 5th update: System updated! Welcome to the Growtopia BlackMarket,!

**Growtopia BlackMarket is the best platform for trading game items and accounts in Growtopia(GT) and Pixel Worlds(PW). Fast and Safe!**

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You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Sell (Post if you want to sell ) » 9 DL 3$/1

9 DL 3$/1

Posts 1 to 6 of 6


Selling 9 diamond locks, 3$ each HMU on discord, not here. we can go one at a time, you first always. Thanks.

DISCORD: Seb#6984


Stock 6 wls. New price 3.50$
Sold 2 to one guy, told me since i didnt scam he would buy two more. Gave him one of the two then before receiving my 6$ he blocked me.
I will now be taking money first.
His paypal is Ronan Poulin. If he sends you any money beware he will attempt to scam for more DLS

Message me on discord to buy more! Thanks!


Scammed once more 50 wls. Dont even try contacting me unless you plan on going first. i can go 50 wls at a time or even less idc. Im not going first anymore.


seb321 wrote:

Scammed once more 50 wls. Dont even try contacting me unless you plan on going first. i can go 50 wls at a time or even less idc. Im not going first anymore.

You can always use middleman from our forum if you want


Do you still sell? I added you on discord. We can use a midman or 1 by 1


Buy 4dls, accept me on discord. We're doing smaller trades so that no one will scam eachother-

You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Sell (Post if you want to sell ) » 9 DL 3$/1