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You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Sell (Post if you want to sell ) » Selling steam account for dls looking for (admin,owner help)

Selling steam account for dls looking for (admin,owner help)

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Steam name Salty
I'm known as a trusted trader on i'm also friends with some high tier traders

level (20) needs 70 more xp to level (21)
games owned
zombie grinder 8.99
who's your daddy? 4.99
Unturned nothing much
Trove my account has 10 characters unlocked and 100+$ put into it my character is level 28 with experience potions (4) power rank 11,000+ class gem, most emblems, most vials, star light dragon mount ancient dragon dragonling, empowered gem box tome,etc this account can get up to 30$ on trove reddit
Totally accurate battle zombielator (to get you have to get the code emailed/sign up on their site)
terraria 9.99
team fortress 2 (free)
stranded deep 14.99
postal 2 9.99
payday 2 ultimate edition 44.98
left 4 dead 2 19.99
insurgency 2.49
garry mod 9.99
Csgo 14.99 aka Counter strike global offensive
call of duty world at war 19.99
Planet side 2 (free)
total: 161.38$ to get of these games on your own account
i'm willing to sell for 100$ worth of diamond locks if there are any trusted players or admins or even the owner that will is willing to be middle man for this trade will be greatly appreciated :D.


note to prevent any type of destruction to my social life I will delete my main friends on steam and add them on my new account this is so no one can troll once they have bought my account

You are here » Growtopia BlackMarket » Sell (Post if you want to sell ) » Selling steam account for dls looking for (admin,owner help)